You know that Sex and the City episode where Carrie makes fun of the woman who couldn't possibly be from New York because she's wearing a scrunchie? I object to the scrunchie as much as the next girl (and New Yorker), but when the scrunchie is a brilliant orange, which just so happens to match EXACTLY the hairs on your head, that's when the scrunchie moves into a whole other level.
You can't see it here, but this is the second time I've seen Jeanne Claude out on the town, scrunchie included. It's also the second time I've seen her wearing a wind breaker. She's also a funny one about getting her picture taken. George and I ran into the pair of them at an opening a few weeks ago and poor George was flatly denied a photo op. I lucked out this time around, but when I went to stand next to Jeanne Claude I was told no way, if the photo was going to happen, I had to stand next to Christo.
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